Carterwood have started the new decade by promoting seven members of their team in recognition of their significant contributions over the previous year. Dr Henry Crosby PhD has been promoted to associate director, Luke Sefton and Victoria Millard to associate, Hannah Cheese to executive PA and Andrew Whyte, Jessica Stainthorp and Sam Sefton to senior analyst.
Henry joined Carterwood as a data scientist in 2017 and his primary role moving forward is the technical lead for Carterwood’s R&D department. He supported Ben Hartley, one of the founding directors, in developing Carterwood Analytics, which was launched in April 2019. The online platform provides instant high-level market analysis for funders, developers, operators and advisers, using market leading data, which Carterwood sources, cleans and researches.
Both Luke and Victoria joined the business in 2015 as research analysts and have been promoted on several occasions in recognition of their continued development. Luke’s key responsibilities include the analysis and production of bespoke reports, along with the handling of key internal processes and databases; whilst Victoria’s key responsibilities are to produce market reports in relation to older people’s housing, bespoke products including market reviews, ensure quality assurance and support the wider analyst team, including line management duties.
Hannah has been responsible for providing PA support to the whole team, including the directors and consultancy and agency teams, since she joined the company in 2015. She plays a vital role within the business, everything from managing the day-to-day office and Analytics administration, organising client dinners and coordinating diaries for all the team.
Andrew and Jessica both joined Carterwood as graduate analysts, with Andrew being responsible for the change-management of our mapping software transition, whilst also supporting the training of new graduate research analysts. Jessica is responsible for writing care home reports as well as undertaking research for bespoke reports. Sam joined the team on placement in 2017, before returning as an analyst in 2019 after graduating with a degree in Economics from the University of Exeter. His responsibilities include undertaking research, and analysing and interpreting data, with a focus on older people’s housing reports.
Amanda Nurse, managing director, commented: ‘I am delighted that we have been able to make so many worthwhile promotions at the start of the year, which reflects on each individual’s hard work and dedication to Carterwood. It is a time of growth for the company and after having welcomed some new team members at the end of 2019, these promotions at the start of the year and the recruitment of two new posts this month, 2020 is once again going to be a busy year for the whole team at Carterwood.”