BNP Paribas Real Estate’s Executive Board has welcomed 3 new members and now has a total of 12, reflecting its desire for broader governance, including transversal business lines and functions, to become more collegiate and internationally minded.
Thierry Laroue-Pont, Chairman and CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate, says: “This evolution of our governance reflects our main strategic approaches and our growing internationalisation, enabling us to strengthen our positions in key businesses such as Commercial Property Development and key locations such as Italy. In addition, the management of our central functions and talents, which are the company’s driving forces, supports our ambitions as the leading real estate services company in Europe. Juliette, Dominique, Anne and Thomas have the full confidence and support of the Executive Board in their assignments”.
Since November 14, 2019, Juliette Brisac has been a member of the Executive Board and is appointed Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas Real Estate, in charge of Central Functions (Finance, Organisation, Purchasing, Tax, IT, Data, Work environment and Operational Permanent Control departments), succeeding Dominique Jones in these roles. Throughout her career, she has worked in a variety of positions for different business lines within BNP Paribas, giving her detailed knowledge of the Group and a comprehensive picture of its business lines.
A graduate of University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Juliette Brisac (55 years old) began her career as an analyst at Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations in 1987. She joined BNP Paribas as an economist two years later. After spending time at the Compagnie Bancaire and Cortal Consors, in 2005 Juliette became Chief Financial Officer of the International Financial Services (IFS) arm of BNP Paribas, then called Investment Solutions, before becoming Chief Operating & Financial Officer from 2013 to 2015. Since then, Juliette has been Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas Securities Services, in charge of Finance, ALM Treasury, Corporate Development, Permanent Control, Company Engagement, as well as transversal and regulatory projects.
From January 1, 2020, Dominique Jones will be Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of BNP Paribas REIM Italy. Based in Milan, one of her main tasks will be to strengthen the asset management activities within BNP Paribas REIM’s pan-European platform, while maintaining her position as a member of the Executive Board of BNP Paribas Real Estate.
A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, Dominique Jones (62 years old) started her career as an auditor at Arthur Andersen and The Chase Manhattan Bank. She joined the BNP Paribas group in 1983 as a Key Account Manager in Corporate Banking. From 2010 to 2013, Dominique was Global Head of Compliance and Permanent Control for BNP Paribas Real Estate. In February 2013, she became Chief Operating Officer in charge of Finance, IT, Corporate Development, Organisation, Procurement, Facilities & Premises and Tax. She became a member of the Executive Board of BNP Paribas Real Estate in July 2014.
Thomas Charvet, Managing Director of Commercial Property Development, has been a member of BNP Paribas Real Estate’s Executive Board since November 14, 2019. Commercial Property Development is a key and strategic business for BNP Paribas Real Estate encompassing all the development in Europe, apart from Residential in France. The business currently has 320,000 m² under construction in Europe including iconic schemes such as the 99W tower in Frankfurt or Métal 57, the company’s future head office in Boulogne-Billancourt.
Thomas Charvet (43 years old) was appointed Head of Commercial Property Development in 2018. Having worked for BNP Paribas Real Estate since 2006, he successively held the positions of Deputy Managing Director in France and Managing Director of the development subsidiary in the United Kingdom where he notably developed Google’s headquarters in London. In 2018, Thomas Charvet became the head of the Commercial Property Development’s activity in France while also expanding the development subsidiaries abroad. Thomas Charvet graduated from ESTP and from a Master of Paris-Dauphine University.
Anne du Manoir, Chief Human Resources Officer, also became a member of BNP Paribas Real Estate’s Executive Board on November 14. With 5,400 employees and 17 directly operated locations in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, the human aspect is core to BNP Paribas Real Estate’s globalisation strategy, with over two thirds of its employees outside France.
Anne du Manoir (46 years old) began her career working in the HR department of LVMH group before joining the software publisher InfoVista in 2000. From 2007 to 2010, she was successively Head of Human Resources for Habitat France, then Senior HR manager for AXA Investment Manager. In 2012, she joined BNP Paribas Real Estate as Head of Human Resources for France. Five years later, Anne du Manoir was made Global Head of HR for BNP Paribas Real Estate. Anne has a postgraduate degree in Human Resources from Ciffop (Université Paris-II) and a degree in information and communication from Celsa.