South Wales Chamber of Commerce launches series of Brexit readiness events

Liz Maher, former president of the South and Mid Wales Chambers of Commerce. Pics (C) Huw John, Cardiff.

The South Wales Chamber of Commerce has launched a series of Brexit readiness events for businesses across the country, thanks to support from the Brexit Resilience Fund, to aid businesses with preparations in the lead up to Brexit.

Working with Centurion VAT as a key delivery partner, the Chamber will be providing the following support to all businesses in Wales free of charge:

  • Training seminars
  • 121 Export Documentation clinics
  • VAT awareness sessions
  • VAT surgery day
  • VAT helpline
  • VAT information packs

The events will be held across South, Mid and North Wales, with the first event being held on the 18th October in Llandrindod Wells.

Jo Price, International Trade Director for the South Wales Chamber of Commerce, said: “We are really pleased to be able to offer these events and resources to our members as well as other business across Wales, at such a critical time. Thanks to support from the Brexit Resilience Fund, and working with Centurion VAT, we are able to provide businesses with much needed support as we approach the October 31st Brexit deadline.

“Although all our events are free to attend, as spaces are likely to fill quickly and will be limited, booking is absolutely essential.”

Liz Maher, Director, Centurion VAT, and former South Wales Chamber of Commerce President said: “Many businesses across Wales have been unclear on what information exists to help them prepare for a no-deal Brexit – it’s important to see this support being made available. To address the specific VAT issues as they currently stand, we’ve put together 4 sessions in a bite sized format to cover key business sectors, those who: export goods to business customers; sell goods to private consumers; businesses that provide services and businesses involved in electronically supplied services.

“All sessions will cover the VAT issues to be addressed on importing goods and services post a no-deal Brexit, covering all bases. In addition, businesses can book a VAT surgery session on the day with Centurion VAT Director Andrea Brindley, who has a wealth of practical industry VAT experience from her past role within Corus. The VAT Helpline is there to help any business access the latest VAT information to help them prepare for an exit on the 31st October. Support is available so we do hope to see Welsh businesses take advantage of these funded services.”

Centurion VAT will provide the VAT Helpline until 31st October. The helpline can be reached on 01633 415390 or by emailing

For more information and to book these free to attend events, visit