Caerphilly-based Town Square Spaces Ltd (TSQ) has been appointed by Cherwell District Council (CDC) to operate the new Perch Eco Business Centre in Bicester, in what will be a first-of-its-kind eco commercial building.
Developed by Cherwell District Council, this is the first non-domestic building in the UK to achieve Passivhaus Plus, a rigorous standard for energy efficiency. It is part of a true zero carbon community developed by property group A2 Dominion, providing new housing alongside employment.
Following a competitive tender process, TownSq was chosen by CDC to manage and run the centre. One of two co-working spaces in the town, the £4m investment into the Perch Eco Business Centre will provide office space and support startups and small businesses. It is situated in the eco-village development in Bicester which benefits from easy access to London, with five regular, non-stop trains running every hour from Bicester North station.
Town Square, which also leads the Wrexham Enterprise Hub on behalf of Business Wales, is run by Mandy Weston and Gareth Jones.
Mr Jones said: “We’re really excited to create this new kind of space at the Eco Business Centre. The building is truly unique, and through Perch Coworking, we aim to create a brilliant community of businesses.
“With Governments officially declaring a climate emergency, we hope this space and its community will become an example of how responsible enterprises can spearhead the development of SMEs and further grow local economies.
“The building is the first of its kind in the UK, and while the architecture sets new standards in terms of sustainability, we aim to grow its network and help its occupants thrive.”
Robert Jolley, Assistant Director, Planning and Economy at Cherwell District Council, said: “Town Square Spaces has a proven track record in managing business hubs across the UK and we are pleased to be working with them to bring small and medium-sized businesses to the centre providing local employment opportunities for our residents.”
The Perch Eco Business Centre, Elmsbrook, NW Bicester is scheduled to open later in the summer and ahead of an official launch, Town Square Spaces will be working with Cherwell District Council, partners and enterprises to engage with the local business community.