Commercial property specialists NG Chartered Surveyors has kicked off 2019 in style after brokering a joint deal that is set to bring 150 jobs to Chesterfield.
Acting on behalf of a private landlord, Sunny Landa, director of NG, and Rebecca Schofield of Knight Frank, sold the 233,000 sq ft Spire Park on Pottery Lane West in Chesterfield to John Pye Property – a division of the wider John Pye Auctions group. The deal means John Pye Auctions will be creating 150 jobs in the Derbyshire town.
Sunny said: “This a great deal for our client, John Pye Auctions and the wider Chesterfield area. It’s always pleasing to work on a transaction that creates jobs and this deal was no different.
“Once again, NG’s knowledge of the East Midlands market has proved invaluable for our client who is more than satisfied with the outcome. We wish John Pye Auctions well in their new home and look forward to watching the company grow futher.
Spire Park occupies a highly prominent position overlooking the A61 bypass, 1.5 miles to the north of Chesterfield town centre. It is an area under transformation with the adjoining site having been comprehensively redeveloped with the new stadium for Chesterfield FC, a Tesco Extra superstore and the 4-star Casa Hotel. Other notable occupiers nearby include Aldi, Stratstone BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi and an Arnold Clark car supermarket.
Rebecca Schofield from Knight Frank acted jointly on behalf of the owners with NG Chartered Surveyors. She said: “The site has been unoccupied for some time and it is great to see it being reused for employment purposes and John Pye Auctions investing in the site and creating so many jobs for the area.”
Richard Reed, head of property at John Pye, said: “We are delighted to be able to support the wider John Pye group with the acquisition of our new Chesterfield site. We have worked hard on this purchase and are thrilled to have been able complete on this large and complex transaction in just four weeks.”
“The acquisition of this new site takes our entire John Pye Auctions facilities to one million square feet across 50 acres nationwide. We are continuing to search for additional nationwide premises and in particular are targeting the northwest as the potential next site location.”