Two of West Yorkshire’s leading property consultancies are to merge.
Hanson Chartered Surveyors are joining forces with Walker Singleton, one of the region’s leading independent firms of Chartered Surveyors with offices across West Yorkshire.
Huddersfield-based Hanson’s, led by Mark Hanson FRICS, has spent nearly 30 years providing quality commercial property advice and estate management services to clients throughout the region.
Walker Singleton, established in 1889 in Halifax, is a multi-disciplined Chartered Surveyors with recognised niche specialisms.
Together the new firm will have 66 employees.
Mark Hanson commented: “The merger brings together expertise and experience on all aspects of commercial and industrial property in the region, with both businesses having been involved in significant deals, regeneration projects and developments across Yorkshire.
“The rationale for this merger is compelling. Being able to provide my clients with the advantages of a more region-centric business, with wider synergy surveying services, who share the same high professional standards as my own business, is exciting. The potential of our new firm is immense,” he said.
David Heap FRICS, the senior Commercial Property Partner with Walker Singleton, explained: “I have known Mark for close to 40 years as we have each carved our respective positions in the regional commercial property market.
“Walker Singleton has had a sustained period of development over recent years, not only in core property markets, but in relatively specialised areas such as Arbitration, Advisory, Machinery and Business Assets; not overlooking the sale of period, country and fine homes through our Charnock Bates division.
“Mark and his team unquestionably enhance our resource and we look forward to welcoming them and their clients to our business.”
The new firm will be known as Walker Singleton, incorporating Hansons.