Liz Maher, president of the South Wales Chamber of Commerce, has welcomed the news that seven sites in Wales have been long-listed as potential logistics hubs for the construction of the third runway at Heathrow.
“We have many firms in Wales who are well placed to take advantage of the opportunities to supply the construction of the third runway at Heathrow, and having a logistics hub in Wales will help these businesses win valuable contracts.
“The Chamber of Commerce has been working with Heathrow for a number of years and over the coming months we will be focussing on connecting our members to the supply chain opportunities that this major project presents.
“The Welsh Government should be congratulated in the way they have worked with the business community, and organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce, to identify such a high proportion of the sites that Heathrow are now considering. We must all now continue to work together to demonstrate why Heathrow should choose sites in Wales for their logistics hubs.”
Chamber of Commerce member and director of Pro Steel Engineering, Richard Selby, also commented:
“This is fantastic news for SME’s in Wales to collaborate together with each other, as well as with the Chamber of Commerce and Welsh Government, to show the rest of the UK exactly what we are capable of. This is a clear sign that Heathrow wants to give Wales the opportunity to demonstrate the value we can deliver to one of the UK’s largest infrastructure projects, and it will ultimately develop an economic legacy for the entire surrounding area of the logistics hub site.”