A leading property law firm has kick-started a new phase of growth with its move to Cardiff Gate International Business Park.
Insight Law, specialists in both residential and commercial property law, has launched its new brand at the same time as relocating to its new office in Cardiff Gate.
As part of an ambitious five-year growth strategy, the firm has invested in a 3,289 sq ft office space at the business park and will welcome 13 staff members to the Welsh office.
The move, which coincides with a rebrand that includes a new logo, livery, and new website, will allow for future growth and expansion.
Insight, which doubled its staff numbers in 2016, also has an office in Bristol with seven employees.
Paul Jones, co-owner and partner of Insight Law, said:
“Having just celebrated five years in business, the move from the Maltings and rebrand is a great achievement for us. We’re launching the business strategy for the next five years, and the location of our Cardiff office was a crucial part of the plan.”
Simon Fox, co-owner and partner, said:
“Choosing Cardiff Gate International Business Park as the location of our newest office was an easy one for us. The space provides ample room for growth with areas for meetings, training and business seminars, which will create a better environment for our staff as well as our clients.”
John James, director at Fletcher Morgan, said:
“We’re pleased to welcome Insight Law to Cardiff Gate International Business Park. They will join a wealth of successful businesses across all sectors. And we’re delighted that we could help them meet the specifications for the new office space.”