Two recent lettings at Faraday Office Park in Basingstoke have highlighted the success of the office refurbishment programme that Eskmuir Securities Ltd have completed recently. Units 2, 3 and 4 on the development have been comprehensively upgraded to include the installation of brand new air conditioning and energy efficient LED lighting. Hollis Hockley and BDT incorporating Woodford & Co are appointed letting agents.
The two new tenants have each signed leases for 1,950 sq ft of offices in Unit 4, within 10 days of each other. Insurance brokers, Finch Commercial will occupy the 2nd floor, relocating from their current town centre location in New Street. They will be joined by VTG Cloud Ltd, specialists in the provision of IT infrastructure, who will occupy the 1st floor, moving their operations from Priestley Road in the town.
Headlease rents of £15.00 per sq ft have been achieved with both lettings.
The agents continue to actively promote the availability of other space options to let on the development, from the smallest of 1,707 sq ft up to a self contained building (Unit 3) of 7,279 sq ft.