A charity shop has been replaced by a designer kitchen and bathroom showroom on Northallerton High Street in a move which bucks the current trend in most British towns.
On behalf of a private landlord, Tees Valley independent commercial property consultants Dodds Brown LLP has let the retail unit at 85-86 High Street, Northallerton, DL7 8PP, formerly a Barnardo’s charity shop, to Holme Design Limited, a high-end kitchen, bathroom and bedroom design company.
Bedale-based Holme Design has taken a five year lease on the shop, which has a ground floor sales area of 811 sq ft, with first floor ancillary space of 132 sq ft, at an annual rent close to the quoting price of £27,500.
Letting agent Richard Wilson, Senior Associate Partner at Middlesbrough-based Dodds Brown, says: “This deal which sees a charity shop disappear from a town in favour of a top quality retailer, goes against the general trend of decline of the UK high street and underscores the strength of Northallerton as one of the prime retail locations in the whole of the North East.
“Northallerton High Street is renowned for its mix of independent shops, anchored by Barkers department store. It has a wealthy hinterland and not a lot of competition in the nearby area. Holme Design already operates in the town, but has grasped the opportunity to showcase its designer products to the many people who frequent the High Street.”
Retail units are generally highly sought after on Northallerton High Street, but Dodds Brown, which also acts for Barkers (Northallerton) Limited, the property company of Barkers Department Store, has a 563 sq ft shop available for let.