Cardiff Metropolitan University hosted the second CSM Business Club networking event with Cardiff Met Senior Lecturer of Strategy, Mike Snelgrove as key-note speaker.
The School of Management’s (CSM’s) Business Club is an initiative, launched in November 2015, which aims to strengthen links between private, public and third sector organisations and the University; the event saw professionals from a range of local organisations engage with the University’s leading academics.
CSM’s Business Club makes organisations aware of the services available to them through the University including expert consultancy, bespoke training, access to funding opportunities, and access to leading edge research opportunities.
One of the main highlights of the evening was a Q&A session where George Grigg, Director of Share Property Ltd and Ben Dobson, Director of Voicebox Ltd, along with student interns Sam Stark and Sam Bean, discussed their personal experiences with the Cardiff Metropolitan placement programme. The interviews, which were both informative and humorous, gave the audience an insight into the reciprocal benefits to all stakeholders.
Mike Snelgrove, who has a wealth of experience within project management, then discussed how to deliver successful projects, including thinking outside the box, time management and how to identify and manage risks. He has completed a Master of Philosophy qualification and co-founded the International Network for Project Management.
Siân Rees, Associate Dean and Director of Enterprise at Cardiff Met said: “As a university, we work very hard to create strong links with outside organisations and have developed some great relationships with companies such as Acorn, Admiral, Brains and Santander over the years.
“By engaging with local businesses, our students benefit from enhanced work experience.
“The business club is a great way of gathering together professionals and academics alike to discuss how we can collaborate for mutual benefit. We held a successful first business club last year and it was again, well received this time so we hope we can continue this success and hold more in the future.”