A sixth chamber of commerce has rallied to the pan-Dorset business banner to fight the county’s corner.
Ferndown Chamber of Commerce has thrown its weight behind the Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) led campaign to give the county a stronger voice locally, regionally and nationally.
The group becomes the sixth chamber to become affiliated to DCCI, bringing the total number of businesses represented to nearly 1,500.
DCCI chief executive Ian Girling signed the affiliation agreement with president James Edgar, treasurer Tony Brown and senior committee member Ben Pulford.
Tony said: “This affiliation shows Ferndown Chamber of Commerce means business.
“DCCI brings considerable kudos and a strong list of benefits which enhances the offering for our members.
“By stepping up in this way we have added value to our membership and strengthened our own chamber whilst maintaining our own identity.
“Ian and all at DCCI have been very welcoming. We are proud of Ferndown and its chamber, and we are looking forward to playing our part on a bigger stage for benefit of all businesses in Dorset.”
Ferndown, which has 40 members, follows Weymouth and Portland, Broadstone, Dorchester, Poole and Bridport chambers of commerce in the affiliation partnership.
Ian Girling, DCCI chief executive, said: “Ferndown Chamber of Commerce will be a valuable partner in the pan-Dorset chamber network.
“We are gaining considerable momentum as we near the first anniversary of the launch of the affiliation campaign.
“With the weight of six chambers and nearly 1,500 businesses behind us, it is important that we take advantage of every opportunity to drive economic growth and fight Dorset’s corner.”
Ferndown’s Chamber of Commerce committee meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Barrington Centre.
Its committee includes Phil Fletcher, Ben Pulford, Andy Bryant, David Staddon and Tom Clark.
DCCI, the voice of business in Dorset with about 800 members representing 37,000 employees, is the only county chamber accredited by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).
Under the new affiliation initiative town chambers and DCCI both retain their independence and integrity.
Town chambers work at a local level on issues of concern and trading conditions. DCCI has a more strategic role with a wider economic overview.
The affiliation movement will also give county chambers a louder voice to represent business locally, regionally and nationally.
Benefits for Ferndown include access to the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) survey, input to the new DCCI Business Pulse survey and a quarterly forum, annual policy meetings and events, subscription to the DCCI e-newsletter, attendance at some events at DCCI member prices and access to DCCI training at member rates.