Chinese industrial chiefs briefed on business opportunities in Bristol

A high powered delegation from Shenzhen – described as China’s silicon valley – visited Bristol this week.

The West of England China Bureau organised the event supported by INVEST Bristol & Bath and HSBC.

The Chinese delegation included leaders from a number of key industrial and commercial sectors including electronics, investment, property, communications, banks, manufacturers and the region’s renowned wine industry as well as specialised business consultants.

They met local businesses at HSBC’s headquarters in Temple Quay, Bristol.

West of England China Bureau Chief Executive Officer Dianne Francombe said: “The importance of this latest delegation to visit Bristol cannot be overstated.

“Delegates made the most of the opportunity to meet Bristol Lord Mayor Cllr Alastair Watson as well as hearing from a number of key city business  leaders including Invest in Bristol’s representative Ben Shorrock and logistical and commercial specialist Tim Davies who heads up Collier’s International’s Bristol office.”

Bristol already has strong business links with Guangzhou through a longstanding sister city arrangement.

Dianne Francombe added: “This latest visit confirms once again just how highly Bristol is regarded at the top levels of Chinese business. The size, breadth of interest and seniority of the delegation reflects the efforts made by the West of England China Bureau to forge links with this crucial global trading partner.

“It has been very encouraging to see the enthusiasm with which our own international companies such as HSBC and Colliers International have responded to this particularly high-powered delegation from Shenzhen.”

Colliers International Head of office Tim Davies said Bristol had all the attributes required to become a major trading partner with the Shenzhen region.

He said: “We are determined to establish closer business connections with China and I was honoured to be invited to address the delegation on commercial and private sector investment opportunities in Bristol.”

Tim said the firm’s global presence had already given Colliers International essential insights into overseas trade opportunities and believes working more closely with agencies such as the West of England China Bureau will further stimulate the market.