A Government Appeal Inspector has over ruled Weymouth and Portland Borough Council and has granted planning consent for a major development at Curtis Fields, Weymouth. The scheme includes the demolition of existing derelict farm buildings and the formation of 64 residential dwellings, 19 flats, a convenience store, and office premises together with alterations to the existing watercourse, drainage, highways and landscaping. Outline permission was also granted for a second phase of development for a further 97 dwellings.
The Inspector concluded that the development would make an important impact on the shortfall of housing required over the next five years additionally, contributing in part, to the immediate and pressing demand for affordable housing, incorporating 35% within the scheme. The Inspector went on to state “The development would deliver land in a sustainable location where many journeys could be made by modes of travel other than the car. I am satisfied that it would result in a high quality and safe built environment, which would enhance its surroundings and create its own sense of place.”
Malcolm Brown, Planning Director at Sibbett Gregory, who acted on behalf of Betterment Properties stated “Based on the requirement for the provision of housing over the next five years in Weymouth and Portland, combined with the limited supply of development land the scheme offered obvious benefits to the borough with negligible impact. It was for this reason that we considered Weymouth and Portland Borough Councils’ decision to reject the application was flawed.”