A development of the former Yacht Club to create a new Moorings Office is the latest development project in the regeneration of the Mylor Yacht Harbour, Falmouth.
Dan Cape, Senior Project Manager, at Vickery Holman explained “The first challenge was planning consent given the need to respect the building’s surroundings within a Conservation Area, its position of a List Grade II stone quay and the close proximity to a Listed Grade I church. That done, demolition which was effectively at sea, and then building on, or more precisely over, an old stone structure created its own challenges.”
Roger Graffy, the Chairman at Mylor Harbour Limited, said “We are pleased to be under way. Having relocated the Yacht Club two years ago to some fine new premises, this building was logically the next step. Since we started the redevelopment in 2000, we have pretty much rebuilt the whole place and this really feels like a finishing touch.”
The new building is due to be completed in the summer of 2014.