Welsh Government will work to maximise benefits of new nuclear build project

The Welsh Government will do everything in its power to ensure Wales gains the maximum benefits from the proposed new power station at Wylfa, which has the potential to pump billions into the economy and create thousands of jobs, Economy Minister Edwina Hart said today.

Addressing delegates in Llandudno at the first major supply chain event organised by Horizon Nuclear Power and Hitchai-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd – the technology provider and main contractor for Wylfa new build – Mrs Hart said the potential long-term economic benefits to Anglesey and the wider area are enormous .

In a keynote speech the Minister said:” I want to stress that Wales is open for business. Our aim is to create jobs, growth and wealth throughout Wales and to maximise benefits from large scale projects such as this.

“We look forward to working with Horizon Nuclear Power and Hitachi-GE in developing the supply chain and attracting investment into Wales. This is the message I will be taking to Japan next month on a trade mission where I will be visiting Hitachi and meeting senior executives.

“We know that Hitachi has made a commitment that at least 60% of the sum will be sourced through suppliers and contractors within the UK. So the potential is enormous, not just for the island, but also for Wales as a whole.

“I am also delighted to hear that Horizon has signed the design contract with Hitachi-GE for the new station at Wylfa. As a Government, we look forward to providing support to them in terms of maximising the Welsh content.

“We will work closely with Hitachi and the UK Government to make sure the region gains the maximum benefits when it comes to building and operating the new power station, including training workers and supply chain opportunities for local companies.”

The Minister emphasised that to maximise the opportunity there is a need to invest in co-ordinated programmes through education and skills training; through business support and promotion of supply chain opportunities and infrastructure through ICT, transport and sites and premises.

Mrs Hart said: “To achieve this, my Department is committed to the Energy Island Programme as a strategic priority for Anglesey and Wales. The vision is to create a world-renowned centre of excellence for the production, demonstration and servicing of low carbon energy.

“The Enterprise Zone Board has identified the supply chain as one of its overriding priorities and significant opportunities exist for joint working with the other Energy Enterprise Zones at Snowdonia and the Haven, for example on skills. “

Opportunities are also being explored for collaboration with a range of partners in North Wales who have identified “Energy” as one of three priority sectors for economic development activity in North Wales.

The Minister added that Bangor University is also actively engaged with Horizon Nuclear Power and the Energy Island Programme while substantial investment made by the Welsh Government in facilities at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai colleges meant they are equal of those elsewhere in the UK where nuclear build is being planned.

Support measures have been put in place through Business Wales for Micro businesses, SMEs and larger businesses to take advantage of these opportunities.