Battery recycling business sets up Southam base as thriving industrial scheme now 100% let

From left to right, Andrew Jones (Wright Hassall), Mark Booth (Bromwich Hardy), Tony Booth, Councillor Peter Butlin and Stuart Buckley.

A battery recycling and repurposing business which is set to play a vital role in the sustainable circular green economy is opening a new testing site in Warwickshire.

Green Tech Industries Ltd has signed a five year lease on a 3,100 sq ft unit at Sucham Park as a base of operations to disassemble and test battery components.

Sucham Park is a 42,200 sq ft scheme from Warwickshire Property & Development Group (WPDG) and the deal with Green Tech Industries means that the nine-unit scheme is now fully let.

CEO Tony Booth founded the business after identifying a gap in the expanding green economy to support businesses with waste and recycling challenges.

Since 2018, he has been investing in the development of processes to strip batteries, repurpose and then recertify the components to sell back into the industry.

Booth, from Coventry, has extensive experience in motorsport and battery technology, including working with Williams Advanced Engineering setting up a battery factory in Coventry.

He said: “We are unique in our approach that we aren’t simply recycling batteries. We are looking to save parts that could still have more than 10 years of life in them.

“Green technology is one of the fastest growing industries in the UK, but that growth has outpaced the development of a circular economy of the technology.

“While the business already has a base to discharge batteries, our new site at Sucham Park will allow them to be dissembled and tested, before being sent on to be fixed and recertified for a second life.

“Sucham Park is in a strategic location in the middle of the UK and has excellent transport links. It is a secure site and near the automotive supply chain, positioning us well for future growth.”

Green Tech Industries expects to expand its workforce to ten members of staff as it ramps up operations and has agreed a deal for additional office space at Sucham Park to support its growing team.

WPDG has worked with Bromwich Hardy to market the units at Sucham Park and secure tenants. The development is now home to six businesses that occupy units ranging from 1,900 to 15,000 sq ft in size.

Rob Andrews, head of development at WPDG, added: “Green Tech Industries is leading the way with battery repurposing and its work will be crucial as the adoption of battery technology continues to grow.

“At Sucham Park, we set out to provide high-quality small unit space to help innovative businesses grow and thrive in the region. We are proud that a diverse range of businesses are now operating from the site and after only a year since construction work completed all units have now been let, highlighting the clear demand for space of this size and type in Warwickshire.”

Councillor Peter Butlin, Deputy Leader of Warwickshire County Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, added: “Sucham Park has proven to be a much sought after location, supporting the expansion of local businesses and providing employment opportunities for local people.

“I extend a very warm welcome to Green Tech Industries Ltd as the final occupier who will be doing just that as they look to develop their operations. The fruits of the hard work of Warwickshire Property and Development Group, Wright Hassall and Bromwich Hardy are evident and on behalf of the County Council I pass on our thanks at the conclusion of this successful venture.”

Mark Booth, senior surveyor at Bromwich Hardy, said: “We are delighted to have found and agreed a deal with the sixth and final occupier at Sucham Park. The site sets the standards for the future with its impeccable green credentials and will allow all of those occupiers to thrive and grow.”

Andrew Jones, partner at Leamington law firm Wright Hassall, advised on the lease on behalf of WPDG.

He said: “We are delighted to have supported WPDG in getting the estate fully let within almost 12 months of its practical completion.

“It demonstrates that there is significant demand for these types of units in and around Warwickshire, and we are extremely pleased to have helped local SMEs to locate to the site.”