A fast growing next generation battery company is moving into a large industrial warehouse building on the Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate that was on the market through commercial property agents Keygrove Chartered Surveyors. Ilika plc is a pioneer in ground-breaking solid state battery technology able to meet the specific demands of a wide range of applications in Medical, Industrial, Electric Vehicles and Consumer Electronics.
Andrew Archibald, Director of Keygrove says “Knowledge of the local market was key to finding this new tenant who had been looking for a suitable property for a number of months. Our clients had commenced upgrading and refurbishing Discovery House and we were able to agree terms and complete the new lease to Ilika plc in a tight timescale that fitted with the refurbishment. The letting of this 17,500 sqft building on Brickfield Lane, Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate completed in February 2021.”
Steve Boydell, Finance Director of Ilika plc says “This facility represents a significant milestone in Ilika’s development, as it will enable us to scale up the manufacture of our miniature StereaxÒ batteries from the pilot scale facility that we currently have housed in the University of Southampton. The batteries that will be produced here have been designed to power industrial wireless sensors in hostile environments and medical implants, both of which are fast growing high value end-markets.”
Keygrove continue “Vacancy rates on the Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate are very low and demand has remained very buoyant throughout the pandemic. The market for industrial property in the Southampton region and M27 corridor is strong and today’s announcement regarding Freeports could be of huge economic benefit to the city.”