Coach tour operator Bakers Dolphin has moved all its vehicles to a new indoor facility due to its former parking area being re-developed for housing.
It is the first step in a major investment by the business in a new purpose-built headquarters within Weston-super-Mare, where it has operated for more than 100 years.
The familiar blue and yellow coaches, and luxury Gold Coach vehicles, have been moved from their former parking area off Locking Road, Weston, to a new facility at Westlands Distribution Centre.
They will stay there until restrictions on coach travel, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, are lifted.
North Somerset Council, which owns the Locking Road Car Park, ended the firm’s agreement on the land as plans to build new homes are due to start soon.
Bakers Dolphin Managing Director Max Fletcher said: “We are pleased to have all the vehicles safely undercover, which is much better for us as it protects them from the elements and is much more secure, particularly during this prolonged period of inactivity.
“This move has nothing to do with the current Coronavirus situation, although obviously it will be rare in the future for so many vehicles to be parked up at one time. We continue to operate some home to school services for children of key workers and many of our drivers are now working with Bristol Ambulance Emergency Medical Services, providing vital support for our NHS.
“In due course we will be announcing the plans for our new purpose-built headquarters. Negotiations are at an advanced stage and we intend to stay in our home town of Weston-super-Mare where we are a major employer and contributor to the local economy.”
The Bakers Dolphin offices and workshops remain in Locking Road, although at the moment most staff are furloughed, with the offices closed and a core team working from home to deal with customer bookings.