Pepper Commercial acting for Wilton Bradley Limited have acquired a 20,666 sq.ft. (1,919 sq.m.) freehold distribution warehouse off market on the Heathfield Industrial Estate at Newton Abbot. The property, 4 Fairfax Road, was sold by Centek Limited who are consolidating their operations on the site that they occupy on the Brunel Industrial Estate close to the town centre of Newton Abbot. Pepper Commercial acted for Centek when it bought the property in 2011 when the oil equipment manufacturer was expanding. After undergoing a period of refurbishment the property was then used as a paint application and distribution point for the company.
Wilton Bradley specialise in the design, development, sourcing and supply of quality consumer leisure goods, supplying their own branded goods to specialist retailers and sourcing a broad range of products for many of the world’s leading retailers and third party brand owners. The company intend to supplement their extensive property interests on the estate and to use the building for additional distribution space.
The premises was identified as a potential opportunity after Wilton Bradley retained Pepper Commercial to act on it’s behalf and identify opportunities within the vicinity. Several other sites were identified and considered although the former Centek building was deemed the most suitable.